Friday, March 18, 2011


I make a decision, last night. Although it is not a big deal for other people, for me it is. I don't want to live behind others' shadow any more. I joined drama club. I hope I can find the long lost me who love to organize and participate in activities. I don't want to let my laziness keep on haunting me. I want to chase YOU away. Get OFF!!!

Furthermore, I done something bad last night, and I know it will hurt somebody. But I have to do it, cause I don't want to let the wound getting worse in the future. Forgive me. I am not suitable for you.

Exam is coming in one week time, stress is the only word I can use to describe myself now. I want better result. And I have to work hard. "There is no free lunch in the world." Carmen, stop being lazy!!! Fight for it and you can do it!!! Aza aza!!!

Heard of a gang of people back stabbed me again. But what to do if that is their hobby? Just let them be. They will realize how childish they are someday. No point to bother them, I just live my life for myself. What people say about me is not important, what I think about myself is more important.

Sometimes friendship doesn't that easy as what you think. You treat him/her with your true heart, doesn't mean that they will appreciate and accept you. So stop wasting your time to be with those people, they wouldn't make your life better, insist make your life bitter.

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