Friday, November 11, 2011

You Are The Apple Of My Eyes

Finally i watched this movie. Waited for more than half a year already. Watched it with Zhi Yong, Benji and of course my precious roommate. Such a nice movie. Feel so happy tonight. Actually i hope to watch it with more people, then only we can have that "feel". If somebody ask me to watch again, may be i will go with them. Haha.

Think of him again. A person that will always in my mind and I will never forget. I regret that I didn't accept his invitation. I regret that I push him at the staircase beside the basketball court. However, it is still an unforgettable memories to me. Although it becomes the past, i will keep this memorable moment on my mind. How are u? Wish you doing fine out there. I am fine here. :)

p/s: Happy Single Day(11.11.11)

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