Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day. Although me and sister can't stay by her side, but hope she has a happy day. ^^ Happy Mother's Day, i will love you always xD

Still remember two years ago, Chinese Orchestra held a concert with Mother's Day as the theme. I was one of the AJK for that concert. I work so hard to sell off all my tickets just want to get two free ticket for my mom to watch my performance. That was my Mother's Day present and also my last performance with AMCCO (Ave Maria Convent Chinese Orchestra) in my life. How i wish my mom will present that night. But she just ignore me. I didn't ask why, because i am sure that she have her own reasons. But i hide myself and cry. My just tears flow out and i can't control. At last, i gave the tickets to my sister and brother.

Anywhere, hope all the mothers in the world have a great Mother's Day^^

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