Saturday, September 25, 2010

Saturday Night

Another week passed, I am still blurring in my studies. All the subjects are new to me, but test is coming, on next Monday, in 24 hours time. And see what am I doing now, blogging. Haiz, the life without internet is suck, but I learn to live without it. It is not that important to me last time when I don’t have internet at home, but now that is a different case. Five week without internet but there is another thing that substitutes it. I am glad that we met. I hope we can understand each other more. Really hope so.

Although Robotics and Mechatronics is tough for me, I will try to cope with it. Hope I can get good result when the semester ends. Exam is around the corner and assignment’s due date is getting nearer. Hwaiting!!! That is the only word I can say to myself…

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