Friday, October 1, 2010

A Contrast Day

The first day of having streamyx in my units. The feeling is happy, but i have four tests on next week!!!How i get to enjoy this happy moment??? Enjoy it together with my assignment and lecturer notes??? Sucks!!!

Anywhere, still happy enough to hear this news.

Here comes the end of week 6th, the plan to Sibu on week 8th is cancelled. Sad. Why every time i can't work out my plan? Haiz.
Not sure since when emo become my hobby, but sometimes i love being like that. So that i can stay in my little world and stop thinking of other unnecessary things. However, i still cannot shut my ears. I can only choose to ignore it to live a more simple.I hope my decision is right this time...

Raining out there, feel like going out and let the rain pour onto me or may be i can do my crying there, so that i can feel better, and nobody notice my tears...

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