Monday, October 11, 2010

Random (2)

Wake up in the morning, nothing to do, but want to finish my Japanese Drama- Hard to Say I Love You. Sometimes, it is very difficult to say out something that you really mean it. As shown in the drama, all the characters had made the same mistake, however, they realize at the end. How i wish people around me will realize it before it is to late, but it is depends on whether the timing will arrive or not.

My mom call me this morning, i didn't tell her that i am on my mid-semester break. May be in deep of my heart i don't feel like going back Ipoh. I want to stay here with no reason as most of my neighbours left. May be this is the time for my to settle down my everything. I told her my terrible marks for programming. Surprisingly she din scold me, but she said: "As long as u pass it."Wow, I can't imagine that was her who said that out. Indeed, is her.

Most of the time, I am the one who push myself to hard, may be because of my clever sister. I want to be the same as her. I rushing non-stop, following her back. May be I already pass over her, but i didn't realize it. It's time to set myself free. I should spend more time on other stuff. I promise Henry to join the first aid volunteer for the sport carnival. It is a good starting. I don't want to waste my time anymore, as i had spent more then one year for rusting in my room. It's time to work out. I want to go back to my busy life during secondary school. Although it is tiring, but i learned so much form that.

PK879, is time to send you back to me!!!^^

Gambateh kudasai!!!

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