Saturday, October 2, 2010

Streamyx 2nd Day

Another new day, wasting the whole night doing nothing. I didn't study, i didn't draw my CAD. The only thing i do is eat. Arrrgggghhh, getting fat. Help!!! There was a line that my senior told me before- Eat when u feel stress, you will feel happy after that. But i feel sad now. How i wish i can throw away all the assignment and notes to start my holiday immediately. Well, life will never be easy like that. I am just dreaming. But i wish i never wake up again.

After sometimes, i think i got to stick back to that 'me' back old days. May be my life will be less complicated then. People around me are stress too, but please don't built your happiness on my wound. I have feelings too. If this is the way to make you happy, sorry i can't accept it, cause i need happiness too, not only you. So please don't be selfish. Or i should learn the selfishness...

I am no idea.. LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!

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