Sunday, October 10, 2010

Buzy Buzy Buzy Week(1)

What a busy week, now only have some free time to update my blog. What am I doing the whole week??? Of course is studying for my mid-term exam. Initially, i suppose to have one exam on Tuesday, two on Wednesday and the last one fall on Saturday. Unfortunately, Tuesday is the Graduation Day of those degree students, so my test has to be postponed one day and the result, i have to face three test in one day. Seriously that was stressed and i was dying.

I didn't do well on these three subjects. For EM1, i forgot how to do modulus, so i think i only can get half of the total marks of that question. My ES test was not easy too, although it was in objective form and i can't even get the correct answer for the easy question!!! What was i doing??? Too stress??? Think so. While for the programming test, i only can finish one function out of three. I hope i can pass this test as i didn't even touch on it because i was concentrated on the other two subjects. Haiz, what a bad day for me. T.T

After one whole day facing with exam, i can't rest although there is no test on the other day because i have to finish my drawing assignment. I try my best but can only get 10 drawings done. Each drawing take me at least 30 minutes to finish. Imagine i have to finish 16 of them, how much time i gonna use??At the end of the week, i have to pass it up. What a stress course Mechatronics and Robotics is!!! But, what to do, this is the path that i have chosen. I have to be strong!!!

To be continue...

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