Friday, August 13, 2010

Carmen's Journey

After sometime, i realize my blog named Carmen's Journey. I should talk about what i met along my journey of life, but not hoow and why i keep on staying at the same point. My future will never be an asymptote. I will get through it someday. And the answer that i am searching these days will review by itself.
Eight more days to go. And i will be back to a place that i should start a different life. New home and new stage of life-degree in Mechatronics And Robotics. How will it affect my future? Insist, i should think of how to make it lead me to a better future. A great job, high salary? Whatever. What i wish now is that how i get to find someone who can accompany me in my whole life. That is not a dream, but will come true someday. Every girl seek for that. And that is important to complete my life. May be now is not the time, but i look forward for that. As i am a Pisces, that's really important for me. Really really...

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