Friday, November 4, 2011

A Bad Day? Perhaps There Will be Better Day Tomorrow

Went to campus at 8am today... Took a bowl of BBQ bihun at cafeteria. Then start to do our lab reports at open lab... Draw the multisim with a lot of hard work with yong hao, and yet the result deosn't match the theoretical value. Conclusion, din finish one of the reportS.. All stopped half way. Why these reports so hard to do? I hate electric!

My Dell adapter officially announce his death. RIP my dearest adapter which accompany me when ever I am lonely and emo this two years in Kuching. Sob sob. Why i leave me at this important timing? Why? Why? Why?

Tricked by the Watson today. 20% discount and the price is RM23. Yet, they charge me RM29.95 for it. Shit. I should have return back that item and ask them to refund. One happy thing for today is, finally i found the file that i want at Popular. Left with two pink files only. How lucky am I to get it on time. Thanks ah gong who decided to go Boulevard today.

Still, it can't cheer me up cause I really need my laptop to finish my Multisim, lab reports, c programming assignment. Without it, i really can't do anything. God please let me get the adapter as soon as possible. Pray pray pray.

Said something that make me regret again. Why i can't filter my words before i speak it out? Haiz, such a loser in social although I always get praised by the others that my social skill is very good. Now I wonder are they lying to me all this time.

At last i know how my ah ma look like today. Went Mcd and Boulevard with her and ah gong. She is such a nice person. Never predict that we start to gossip about 'someone' although we just know each other. Hehe.

Luckily I got a good sister, she promise to sponsor me RM50 for the adapter. Although it is only 1/3 of the actual price, i am very happy with it. Someone wishing me good luck for tomorrow. Hopefully it will really come true. I should be positive.

p/s: Thing goes right when you reach the end. =)

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