Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Realize that my blog full of my negative posts, LOL. So, i decided to write something that is positive.

Feel so happy these few days although there are non-stop of class test and quiz going on, i have to tell the world that "NO MORE TEST" for the moment. But still, is a big relief for me. At last, i can sit down in front of my laptop and finish my drama and others tv programs.

I think i found the happiest things in Kuching. Stop feeling emo and boring. Sometimes, friends can make u laugh non-stop and it chases all your emo-ness and stress away. Feel so great to hang out again with my sakai gang at Mcd last week. It is the best moment for me this semester. And i hope this feeling will continue until I finish my degree here. Am i too greedy? =P

Apart of the sakai gang, i feel like i got more friends this semester. Although i meet them two years ago, i just feel that we all getting closer these days. Feel great to have them who paint my degree life with beautiful color. Thanks for that. =)

Listening to TVXQ's songs now. I miss them so much. Hopefully JYJ's hope will come true. God please let them meet again. It is a wish from all the Cassiopeia.*Cross my fingers and pray*

My eczema getting serious these days. Is it because I stop the medicine? Or because of stress?Anywhere, hope to end this semester faster, then only i can go home to consult a better doctor. I still hope there will be some cures, although i know it is almost impossible as my sister told me so and those information that i got from the internet. But I should think positively, cause never try never know. I hope my skin's condition will be better this coming CNY, so that i can be a pretty girl again =)

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